Christian in his natural habitat? What is that supposed to mean? Does it mean Christian's natural habitat is Michigan, or California, maybe Honduras? Who knows, not me. I thought it was an apt title for an environmentally related blog and quite frankly, it was the only one I could come up with so you are stuck with it. If you don't like if you can , in the words of the immortal Jeeves and Wooster, "jolly well lump it." Anyway I have created this blog for several primary purposes. First I want to inform those of you who actually care as to what I am up to and where I am in the world. Second, for the more philosophical or literary minded I will be posting snippets and thoughts about things I am currently reading or thinking about. Third I wanted to create a place where I could post pictures and share thoughts about my favorite subject, the environment. If for any reason any or all of these particular goals are not to your liking I recommend you immediately remove this page from your favorites (If it is already there which I doubt) and disavow all knowledge of its existence. To tide off any of you picture lovers here are a few pictures of Au Sable Michigan where I am staying this summer (Look it up at It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever stayed in case you are wondering. You should be jealous. More Pictures to come of my research experiences.

The View Outside my Window
The Lodge
Louie's Pond
Earth Hall
Study Hall
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