Friday, July 12, 2013

A Poem I Found

I found this short poem scribbled in the back of an 1888 copy of "Leaves and Flowers or On Object Lessons in Botany", a very old 10-14 year old school book by Dr. Alphonso Wood on plant identification that I picked up for eight dollars at a book sale, and found its simplicity and tone immensely enjoyable.

When I am lonely and discontent
I wait for a sunny day to pitch my tent
And then I rejoice for the day's gone by,
When I did nothing but weep and sigh.

The preface to the book also contains a beautiful little paragraph about the purpose of studying Creation and specifically botany which I figured I would share here.
"If, then, it be desirable to preoccupy the minds of our children with controlling ideas of purity, refinement, and moral beauty,-with exalted thoughts of God, habits of mental activity, strength of judgement, and decision of character; and, moreover, to do all this by means of a study whose path, in a double sense, is strown with flowers, then is the study of botany desirable." - Alphonso Wood, 1863

P.S. For those of you actually reading my blog I would really enjoy some comments every once in a while so I can tell if you actually enjoy reading it.


  1. I love your pithy, truthful quotes!

  2. I'm reading it!! Keep it up! No one posts on mine either but I can see under the status how many visited...check that. -Cousin Kaitlin

  3. Love it Christian-reminds me of Phil. 4:8 Papa

  4. Christian... I am reading it! :-) And enjoying keeping up on your life.
