Monday, June 9, 2014

The Road goes ever on (and in this case up)

     Well for anyone crazy enough to actually follow my blog, here is the first blogs post (hopefully out of many) regarding my crazy trip to Honduras this summer. I'm leaving tonight for an all summer research trip to Honduras to study and conserve sea turtles. That's the trip in a nutshell, but there are oodles of other details about it that I simply don't have time to get into in this rather rapid post before I head to the airport. Oh yeah, if you also didn't know, I'm doing this as part of my master's of biology work at Loma Linda, CA. (some of my readers are probably starting to yawn at this point). On another slightly more random tangent, I would bet (if I were a betting man) that the majority of you people don't even know where Honduras is. I'll give you a hint, it's not in North America. Well I'll be nice to you and give you a picture.

Map of Central America
Figure 1. Map of central America (can you find Honduras?)

     My plane leaves LAX at about 1:30 tonight (or rather tomorrow morning) and then its a brief stop in El Salvador and then a puddle jumper over to the Isla de Roatan, (Part of the Islas de la Bahia on the map) a beautiful chili shaped island surrounded by gorgeous coral reefs. Anyway got to leave now, but throughout the coming three or so months I will be posting periodic updates (think weekly or biweekly) regarding my adventures in Honduras. Note that these posts will take a variety of forms from cool pictures of me and turtles, to personal musings on a book I'm reading, or some weird local dish I tried or attempted to make. Who knows I may even get crazy and write a poem or something. Also to note, I am an extreme nature nerd, so be prepared for random scientific facts and the like, and for random diatribes on my part about my perspective on the interactions of Christians and humans in general with the environment. If none of these things interest you, I highly suggest you not read my blog, but find something more boring like a blog about cupcakes or fluffy bunny rabbits. Enjoy reading.
Christian Hayes 

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