Saturday, September 7, 2013

A smattering of pictures

     For those of you who are so visually inclined here is a collection of photos from my time in Honduras. I likely won't be posting a ton more pictures as I inadvertently destroyed my already malfunctioning camera by failing to remove it from my pocket when I entered the water. The video card, fortunately has been salvaged but my poor camera bought my sophomore (Or junior year, I can't really remember) has gone the way of the dodo. From now on any pictures I post here will either be from my phone (Terrible quality) or from someone else's camera. Anyway here are a few pictures in no particular order to liven up your day. Enjoy.

 Storm over the Bay of Fonseca
 The house where I stayed (And yes those are cows in the front lawn)
 Beautiful tropical flower favored by hummingbirds
 Beautiful bracts of a tropical flower
 People lining up for a medical group visiting Punta Raton
 Dolphin Sculptures in San Lorenzo
 Restaurant in San Lorenzo
 The colloquial iquanas
 Sunset with fishing boat
 A man and his bike in San Lorenzo
 Little girl in Punta Raton
 Sunset over La Isle de Tigre
 Magnificent Frigate Bird
Turtle swimming off to the mountain (And yes I realize the horizon isn't straight)

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