Sunday, June 15, 2014

Psalm 113

I was struck yestreday when reading Psalm 113 of the how all Creation, both the biotic (living) and the abiotic (nonliving), both the poor and rich, shouts for the Creator’s praise, and I even felt so moved to write a short poem on the Psalm. I highly recommend you read the psalm while you read the poem (yes actually stop reading this post and get out your Bible or if you don’t have a Bible look it up online).
Disclaimer: I haven’t written decent poetry in quite some time so I apologize to any of my more poetry savvy readers for errors in grammar, meter, rhyme, or general flow.

O bless the Lord, O praise His name you servants of the King,
For rising o’er the white capped waves, alit with brilliant flame,
The sun proclaims the Maker’s praise, His glory, grace, and love,

That all the nations, rich and poor, may sing the Father’s name.


  1. Can I share this? Papa

  2. (Ralph) I am reminded by your reference to white-capped waves that they are driven by the wind, inferring the Holy Spirit's way of bringing us to a point of praise! Good work Christian.
